Direct Marketing

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What We Can Do For You

E-Mail Marketing

The best use of an existing database is to get in touch with the customers. The best way is to use emails. We use tools which help is optimizing the creatives and measuring the impact of said emails. Emails can also be used as a form of retargeting your customers.

Text Marketing

Customers these days are often found on their phones. Messaging, though and old technique is one of the cheapest ways to reach out to a vast audience thereby increasing the reach. We help companies optimize the text content and analyze the same using industry leading tools.

Other Messaging Platforms

Messaging has made significant improvements over the past couple of years. There are apps like FB Messenger, Whatsapp, Telegram and multiple others which help people to interact with their loved ones. Being available on said platforms makes communication with the brand an easier task and we are there to help you with it.

Our Approach...

When it comes to Direct Marketing, we follow a systematic approach.

Customer Study

The first thing we undertake for an effective direct marketing effort is to have a proper understanding of the customer in terms of their journey, touchpoints and thought process. This will help us in finalizing the content language and platforms that we can utilize to reach out to your customer.

Platform Selection

Once there is a thorough understanding of the customer, the next step is to finalize the platform which should be used to ensure the best ROI for you. In this stage we look into the channels like email or message or whatsapp, along with the softwares that can be used to integrate these channels. 


Once the channels and the platforms have been finalized, automation is the most imporant thing. Automating requires setting trigger points which will help a company in automatically sending the desired content once the customer reaches a certain stage in their journey. This will help the company in streamlining their efforts.

Multiple Platforms

Visibility Increase

Analytical Approach

We use unique, industry leading tools to give you the edge

The industry leading tools we use to ensure that you have the edge!