Influencer Marketing & P.R

69% of consumers trust recommendations from influencers.

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What We Can Do For You

Influencer Marketing

“<name> was talking about how great this product is”, “<name> said this is the best place to visit” – have you ever been a part of these conversations? If yes, then you know the importance that influencers play in a customer’s journey to utilize your product/services. But there is a lot more to influencer marketing than just choosing an influencer you think is right and we are here to help you with just that!

Content Strategy

What the influencer speaks and what products/services are being showcased are critical for a brand when it comes to influencer marketing. You would obviously want the influencer to bring the right substance out about your brand and that is what we help you with. We look into a strategy which best helps reflect the ethos and the products/services of the brand.

Public Relations

Want to get featured on a news platform or want to appear in a podcast hosted by the prominent names of the industry? If this is the option that is important for your brand, we will scour the ends of the earth to get you the best set of options that help you get the best visibility which also sits well with your target audience.

Our Approach...

When it comes to Website solutions, we follow a data centric approach.

Brand Study

We will conduct thorough research about your brand to find things you probably would not have thought about. We do it not just out of curiosity, but also because this will help us in getting the best influencer or public relation fit for your brand.


There are a lot of factors that you should consider before finalizing an influencer or public relation channel for your brand. The most important thing here is not views of reels on instagram, but the engagement rate, the target audience match and many other relevant things like these.

Content Strategy

Once we have studied the brand properly and have found the influencers or public relations firms that are a perfect fit for you, we will look into the content. What is being spoken, what is covered, does it meet our brand guidelines, is the language being used proper? These questions and many more will be answered by us.

Data Driven

Visible Growth

Quality Content